Workshops with Ezequiel Sanucci

Satuday & Sunday workshops / 20 €


Saturday / Sunday 18:00 - 19:30 
Theme: Soltadas & creative neotango moves

Price: €20 (payment only in cash)
Soltadas means releasing. In this workshop you will learn different kinds of Soltadas with the correct technique to do them and by releasing the embrace while staying in connection with your partner. Soltadas can be used on the spot or in a Giro, and also in combinations with Boleos, Sacadas or other elements. This also opens up many possibilities to do creative movements that will definitely enrich the way you dance Neotango.

Saturday / Sunday 18:00 - 19:30 
Theme: Improving our dance connection and the quality of the embrace

Price: €20  (payment only in cash)How to feel unity with your partner? How to have excellent leader and follower skills? How to have a tango embrace that you would like to hold forever? This workshop goes to the essence of tango, neotango and it can even make a change in our lives.
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