Artists - DJs / VJ -  22-24 November 2024

with international and local DJs / VJ !

Artists - DJs / VJ 

& Live music :


Programme / Registration (start 15 june 2024)


Workshop with Esequiel Maiolo

Workshop with Sonja

DJ Thanos (Greece)

Thanos started dancing tango in 2006 . He has always been fascinated by alternative music for tango steps . He has been organizing “Milonga Aternativa” for 5 years in different places in Athens and also dj @ Bremen Munich, Toulouse, Nantes, Stutgard, Bruges, Torino & Rome. 
He always plays music according to the feelings of the moment and the people in the dance floor.

DJ Margo

Aufgelegt habe ich das erste Mal auf meinem Abiball in Polen - damals noch mithilfe eines Tonbandgeräts von Grundig. Nach vielen Jahren in München, freue ich mich nun meine Lieblingsmusik für euch aufzulegen. Euch erwartet ein einzigartiger und lebensfroher Mix an NeoTangomusik, darunter auch mit polnischen Liedern, der zum Spaß am Tanzen verführt.

Gustavo Garay

Born in Buenos Aires, his passion for music awakened at a very early age. At the age of 12 he began his formal studies. In 2012 he began working with the tango orchestra Sexteto Milonguero, with which he has performed many presentations in the main tango venues in Argentina, 10 tours in Europe, 4 tours in America, 1 tour in Asia. In 2020 he was summoned by a theater producer to develop a crossover music project for solo violin, in which he developed the use of technology to achieve an inexhaustible mix of styles in a practical way. The fusion of his main musical influences (rock, tango, classical music) has always been of vital importance in Gustavo's artistic search. Like a perfumier looking for the perfect, fresh, deep and captivating fragrance.

DJ Phil (Toulouse) - Fb nueva guardia

It is with great pleasure that I will return to Munich! I missed this city, thanks Sabine for creating this event. I have a lot of great new music, since my last Djing there! I'll try to romancekicking you!

We're going to have a blast

DJ Sonia

Sonja Armisen was one of the first pure NeoTango DJs, (with mainly Electrotango). She produced 2 electrotango CDs, TangoFusionClub Vol 1+2 and started (probably) the first Neotango Milonga in in Europe in 2004. During that time she also created a new dance style, the TangoFusionDance. Since then she has been DJing in a lot of events all over the Tangoworld. During the last years her sets changed to mainly alternative music, as this gives the possibility of creating very different moods during a set.

Neotango DJ Sabine aus München

Hallo, es bin nur ich mit meiner Musik!Lass dich darauf ein und ich nehme dich mit.Es zählt nur der Augenblick und die Musik!Die Macht die dahintersteckt, die deinen Körper mitnimmt und dich immer wieder in erstaunen versetzt.Bist du bereit?

Neotango DJ Sabine from Munich

Hello, it's only me with my music!Get involved and I will take you with meOnly the moment and the music counts!The power behind it, which takes your body, and you always amazed.Are you ready?

DJ Esequiel Maiolo

Morvan arrived in tango as dancer around 2015, and very quickly fell in love with neotango. After going to Bremen in 2019, he became interested in producing visuals and later had the opportunity to VJ for the Neolonga in Paris.
Since, he has been incorporating more of his own video captures, from around Paris, but also from travels in France and Europe - sometimes scenes, other times only colors and textures. He likes to incorporates live various elements to accompany the music, and wherever possible incorporate elements of the event location, dancers or season into the visuals.

DJ Sarah

"Sarah Schneider-Amman gründete 2013 die erste monatlich reine Neolonga in Neu-Ulm und ist seitdem auf Milongas und Festivals in Deutschland unterwegs. Ihr Stil ist unkonventionell, facettenreich, manchmal überraschend und immer in Kontakt mit den Tänzern."
"Sarah Schneider-Amman founded the first monthly Neolonga in Neu-Ulm in 2013 and has been on the road at milongas and festivals in Germany ever since. Her style is unconventional, multi-faceted, sometimes surprising and always in contact with the dancers."
Photo :
Photo credit

Janke Bloch

Schwebende Harmonien in fließender Polyrhythmik laden ein zu einer Reise nach innen. Mit Klavier erschafft Orlando Janke Bloch eine Welt, in der wir uns selbst begegnen. Von Kindesbeinen an komponierte der Musiker Lieder, die er in mehreren Bandprojekten verwirklichte. Als Sänger, Liedbegleiter und im Studium der Musiktheorie bildete er sich musikalisch weiter.

Diverse Kooperationen mit der Tanzwelt führten zu Auftritten und dem ersten Musikvideo mit dem Fusion-Tanzpaar Jascha und Lizzie.So wurde der Tanz Teil des Janke Bloch-Universums, als Selbstausdruck im
Bezug zur Musik, als Angebot uns zu begegnen und die Musik mit mehr als
nur den Ohren zu erleben.


Get invited to a journey to your inner world by floating harmonies and flowing polyrhythms.
On the piano, Orlando Janke Bloch is creating a world, where we meet
The musician has been composing songs since he was a child, which he has realized in several band projects.
He continued his musical education as a singer, song accompanist and by studying music theory.

Several cooperations with dancers lead to preformances and a first music video with fusion dancers Jascha and Lizzie. This way, dance became part of the Janke Bloch universe, as a way to express yourself, relate to the music, as an offer to connect and experience the music with more than just our ears.